Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So it is almost 2am and I am awake....still. I thought I did everything I could to get myself to sleep tonight....sleepytime tea, warm bath, benadryl. And, I prayed like I never prayed before. It was eye opening actually....I just thanked God for every blessing that I could think of, prayed for my family members by name, and of course prayed that I would be able to relax and sleep. I am out on the couch now, Tim stayed home tonight because he isn't feeling well.....he is sleeping like a log though. Today I cried so much I thought for sure I would just crash and boss sent me home from work after only being there for a half hour, I couldn't seem to stop the tears. On top of not being able to sleep, my anxiety seems to be pretty's effecting me physically. I feel like I may have a full blown anxiety attack at any minute....kind of wish I would, they usually drain me and make me want to sleep. I am contemplating nyquil, it helped the past two nights in getting some sleep....but I worry about the mixing of it with the benadryl....see how my mind works, I worry about each scenario. I took benadryl at 9:30pm and it says to take it every 4-6 hours, its been almost five. But I over analyze and worry that I may do harm if I take nyquil before six hours. I could just call my mom or step mom, they are both nurses....just had a dizzy spell, mini attack. Anyway, one of my mom's would be able to tell me if I am ok to take something. I like to be reassured. I've called them in the middle of the night many times when I have symptoms that I haven't had before. A few months ago I woke up in the middle of the night with a rash and I called my step mom....she humered me, talked me through it and told me to take some is a good thing that Tim was home that night cause I might have lost it if I was home alone. I always worry that the worst case scenario might happen to me. I watched something on discovery or tlc a while was about these people who have this condition where they all of a sudden can't ever, and it ultimately takes their life. Not gonna lie, I worry that could be me. Last year I had two days no sleep, but slept like a baby on the third night....I'm on night four and nothing. When i came out to the living room and booted up my computer, I got on my knees and prayed again....i yawed, that was reassuring. My eyes feel a little heavy right now, maybe I should try and close them and see what happens.